EFNC Picture Day

Last week I photographed the Epilepsy Foundation of Northern California staff. We met near the Walt Disney Family Museum in the San Francisco Presidio.

 (bryan farley)

The Presidio is a historical military fort that guarded the Golden Gate.  Although the fort did not protect us from the wind, it provided many places to shoot. I especially enjoyed shooting next to The Walt Disney Family Museum. I have mentioned a rumor about Walt Disney having epilepsy; I feel more part of the family.

 (bryan farley)

The museum started a new exhibit with Disney and the surrealist (Salvador) Dali. The exhibit, “Disney and Dali: Architects of the Imagination” discusses how the visionaries became friends. They were innovators who found new ways to tell stories. The world found new ways to see. As advocates, we have similar challenges, but not necessarily the skill of Walt Disney.

 (bryan farley)

Since I photographed the EFNC staff, Disneyland celebrated their 60th anniversary. When Walt launched Disneyland, many doubted whether it would succeed. Visionaries often encounter this problem. Even if you have created Mickey Mouse, your next idea might be doubted… even if your next idea is Disneyland and even if you are Walt Disney.

 (bryan farley)


The entire gallery is here.

Thank you to the staff at the Epilepsy Foundation of Northern California, where “qualified personnel” is your middle name.  I appreciate that you keep working through all the doubt and discomfort.

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