All Quotes are my own, unless I stole them accidentally. I gladly attribute the page title (Farleyisms) to Marshall McLuhan’s similarly titled list of quotes.
- Do you want to be the dog or the tail?
- The business of Facebook is Facebook.
- There is nothing wrong with self-interest, unless you are interested in more than yourself.
- What is the difference between a leader and a “thought leader?” Is a thought leader someone who thinks about leading?
- We do not need “Thought Leaders.” We need thoughtful leaders.
- Reformers who claim that Education should operate more like Business do not understand education or business.
- If you are working to close the achievement gap, you are aiming to low.
- That data don’t hunt; dogs don’t drive.
- “Umpires should be seen and not heard!” yelled a fan from the upper deck.
- Use who you are to create art.
- When someone tells you “it isn’t personal,” believe them. Relationships should be personal.
- Research proves that researchers ignore their own research.
- Before something can be broken, it must have worked.
- One person’s sarcasm is another person’s humor. I use one too often and I am not as funny as I think.
- Artists are their own collaborators, their own muse, their own liberators.
- Photographs are evidence that I am alive and connected to something.
- If teaching is an art, then a teaching artist is an educator who practices pedagogy.
- We know the value of diversity, but we do not know how to value diversity… not yet.
- We emulate what we celebrate.