Simple Plan 2011 Vans Warped Tour

The Vans Warped Tour is probably my favorite concert festival every year to photograph. In ten hours, I photographed nineteen bands, and I could have photographed more, but I was exhausted. Even with the protection of my press pass, my big toes turned purple from accidental stage dive landings and excited fans. (Even as I write this post for my new blog, the ends of my big toe nails are still purple.)

The festival is run extremely well. Bands start on time. Exactly on time. New bands play next to old bands. Headliners start the show some days. Every thing keeps changing so that each band feels part of the festival. And bands with millions of followers are accessible to high school journalists, which I also appreciate as a high school journalism educator. The last two years, I have attended with high school students. I learn as much from them as they do from me. I did not know about Simple Plan until Cathy Rong told me about her favorite band. We interviewed the Canadian group back stage at Shoreline Amphitheater. They are great people. Smart and caring. Cathy was awesome too. Sometimes, it is easy to forget that high school kids can be so smart.

My Simple Plan photos are below. Click on the main photo and the slideshow will open. You can also read more about the concert at the JEA Digital Media site. Cathy wrote about her experience.

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