Student Journalism on the Edge

Student press supporters often claim that students “do not shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” At a recent national journalism education conference, I noticed a different version of this quote. Outside the schoolhose gate, students express themselves too. [photoshelter-img width=’590′ height=’413′ i_id=’I0000mQ7qAY_byQI’ buy=’1′] Fourteen year old Malcolm […]
Portfolio Presentation at National Convention

At the 2012 JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention, Mark Murray and I presented a photography portfolio workshop. We have presented thirteen portfolio workshops at the last twelve JEA/NSPA national conferences starting in Nashville, Tennessee. (We have also presented at other conferences separately.) At last year’s Anaheim convention, we presented with Jim McNay. Jim is an influential photojournalism educator who helped […]
Photo Story with Dave LaBelle

Dave LaBelle and Bryan Farley teach a photo story workshop at national convention